Monday, December 9, 2013

Naughty or Nice

The holiday season tends to brings out the best in people. Communities across the world are inspired to give to those less fortunate. Many campus communities and student groups organize efforts to support nonprofits like the Salvation Army, Toys for Tots, and local food banks.

However, for some people, Christmas brings out their inner Grinch. Grinches show up at shopping malls and fight over merchandise. They steal packages that are left on porches and front doors stoops. In fact, some Grinches have the audacity to destroy nativity scenes and steal decorations. For example, police in Philadelphia recently released a surveillance video of two people stealing decorations from a South Philly home in the early morning hours. These two thieves were caught on tape removing decorative candy canes, elves, and even Santa Claus. These Grinches are no doubt on the naughty list!

In contrast, eight-year-old twin sisters Maggie and Sophie Lile exemplify the spirit of Christmas. The Lile sisters have volunteered alongside their mother for the last four years collecting books and food for several homeless shelters in their Kansas City community. They were recently nominated and received the Presidential Call to Service Award for their efforts. Currently the Lile twins are working with their Girl Scout troop to create meal sacks and personal care packs for shelters that help homeless women and families in need. Maggie and Sophie definitely make the nice list.

As we delve full tilt into the holiday season, I hope you are inspired to be "nice." Take time to reach out to those in your community in need and for goodness sakes, don't be a Grinch! 

Wishing you a very happy holiday season!

Kent M. Weeks